
Recent climate studies have shown increasingly worse results. We need to act soon if we don't want to ruin the planet. In light of these studies, the EU has set up climate goals for each of its countries to reach.

While it’s clear that measures have to be taken to reach these goals, we also have a population that’s built their lives around the current way that society is set up. Different population groups have different ideals around this topic and prefer to see the world in their own image. With a population so divided on this topic, how will the country ever reach the climate goal?


> IMPORTANT: The game isn't actually playable. You can build things and go to the next turn, but there is no goal implemented to work towards. Unless, of course, you decide upon your own goal.

Your goal is to lead the Netherlands through this troublesome period by enacting policies and tackling the polluting industries. In this scenario you’re in charge of the country’s climate policy. Your goal is to change the polluting industry towards a more greener one to reach the climate goals without angering the population too much. You could also disregard the climate and purely focus on making as much money as possible, or getting your population to be as happy as you can. 


Click on a province to view its information. You can see what type of population lives there, how happy they are, how much space is left for construction and how many buildings are built.

By clicking in "build" button you can access the build menu. Here you can construct new buildings in that province.

Press the "Next turn!" button in the buttom left to go to the next turn. This will change your money, pollution and citizen happiness based on your buildings.

Cultural values

The game focusses on the current climate change debates happening all around the world.- While the planet is dying and we need to change our ways in order to save it,  it's difficult to make this change. People's lives are built around the current way society is set up, and not everyone wants to change their ways.

Our game explores this topic by giving you the power to make these changes and seeing what effect it has on the population. For example, wind energy might be a very good green power source, but it requires a lot of land that farmers might need.

We want players to experience this conflict from a new angle in order for them to understand what each side feels. That way, in real life, when this topic is brought up they understand the other side and why they might oppose their beliefs. This creates a healthy discussion.

Team members of "The Climate Boys(!!!)"

  • Ronald van de Velde
  • Sam Philipsen
  • Daan Hendriks


This videogame is open source! You can find the source code here:

Development log

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